LM Managed Performance Fund

Company Name

LM Managed Performance Fund (ABN: 95 595 833 174)

Type of Appointment

Court Appointed Trustees

Date of Appointment

12 April 2013


Mark Korda

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Updates to Investors - Five to Twenty Four

Twenty-Fourth Update to Investors (15/12/2021)
Twenty-Third Update to Investors (10/05/2021)
Twenty-Second Update to Investors (28/07/2020) - removed until further notice due to commercial in confidence
Twenty-First Update to Investors (28/06/2019) - removed until further notice due to commercial in confidence
Twentieth Update to Investors (17/12/2018) - removed until further notice due to commercial in confidence
Nineteenth Update to Investors (28/06/2018) - removed until further notice due to commercial in confidence
Eighteenth Update to Investors (30/11/2017) - removed until further notice due to commercial in confidence
Seventeenth Update to Investors (20/12/2016) - removed until further notice due to commercial in confidence
Sixteenth Update to Investors (23/05/2016) - removed until further notice due to commercial in confidence
Fifteenth Update to Investors (03/12/2015) - removed until further notice due to commercial in confidence
Fourteenth Update to Investors (20/01/2015) - removed until further notice due to commerical in confidence
Thirteenth Update to Investors (4/08/2014) - removed until further notice due to commerical in confidence
Twelfth Update to Investors (9/04/2014) - removed until further notice due to commercial in confidence
Eleventh Update to Investors (10/01/2014) - removed until further notice due to commercial in confidence
Tenth Update to Investors (16/09/2013) - removed until further notice due to commercial in confidence
Ninth Update to Investors (05/07/2013)  - removed until further notice due to commercial in confidence
Eighth Update to Investors (03/06/2013)  - removed until further notice due to commerical in confidence
Seventh Update to Investors (17/05/2013)  - removed until further notice due to commercial in confidence
Sixth Update to Investors (13/05/2013) - removed until further notice due to commerical in confidence
Fifth Update to Investors (07/05/2013) - removed until further notice due to commercial in confidence


Please refer to the folders below for each Matter number