Cyber advisory

We understand organisational cyber risk relating to information, people, process and technology.

Undetected risks can leave organisations vulnerable to cyber attacks and data breaches which can lead to financial and reputational losses. KordaMentha helps clients understand their organisational cyber risk relating to information, people, process and technology. We then work with our clients to understand their risk appetite and risk tolerance, consider the effectiveness of existing controls and identify gaps.

We help clients to proactively manage their cybersecurity risk and meet security compliance obligations. Our experts assist organisations with the definition and implementation of security strategies or roadmaps, security operating models and reporting structures, meeting legal, regulatory and supply chain compliance requirements and ongoing cybersecurity risk management (CISO-as-a-service).

How we can help you

We offer a specialised team of cybersecurity experts with deep experience in delivering solutions that help organisations manage their cybersecurity risk.

Understanding cybersecurity risk

We provide holistic assessments against risk, maturity or industry-leading security standards to
verify the posture and risk exposure, and ensure that improvements needed to safeguard data are
clearly defined and aligned to the organisation’s target state.

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Managing and mitigating risk

We work with organisations to implement evidence-based security roadmaps to achieve their target cybersecurity posture. KordaMentha develops cyber strategy, operating models and compliance management programs. We also collaborate with clients to manage their organisation’s cybersecurity risk and program.

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Creating critical security awareness

People play a critical role in an organisation’s cybersecurity defence. It is vital that everyone within
the organisation, from boards to staff, is educated and confident when it comes to cybersecurity.
We help clients prepare for critical incidents through tabletop exercises, breach simulations and

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