Thursday, 1 November 2018
KordaMentha Forensic have continued the format established in the first edition of Expert Evidence: Recent Cases, reviewing over 2,500 recent cases from Australian courts to identify judgments relating to the principles of expert evidence and emerging trends in this area of the law.
An excerpt from the foreword by Phillip Greenwood SC

"This publication provides excellent guidance to legal practitioners who brief experts as well as containing helpful material for experts themselves.

The case reviews tell stories – good and bad – that are worth heeding. The stories come from the judges who want experts, real experts, to explain what they have done and why they have reached a particular opinion so the judge can confidently then assess the merit of that view.

The cases reviewed by the KordaMentha Forensic team deal with issues that regularly confront legal practitioners and experts – when and how to involve experts; which materials an expert should be briefed with; what questions an expert should be asked; what methodology should be used; and how legal practitioners should review experts’ reports."