Thursday, 31 August 2023 KordaMentha is excited to share news of the release of ISO/TS 37008:2023. It is a new global standard for internal investigations issued by the International Organization for Standardization. The standard is the work of the global technical committee, of which KordaMentha Partner Adam Simms was a member. ISO standards provide a globally consistent framework for quality, safety, and performance in various fields and industries. They help consumers, businesses, and governments ensure products and services meet the expectations and requirements of both customers and regulators and can be referred to in tribunals and courts for guidance. Therefore, ignorance of ISO or Australian standards is not advisable for business. ISO TS/37008 delivers a pragmatic approach to internal investigations and provides guidance for those not already working to this standard to integrate as part of day-to-day operations. ISO TS/37008 covers the following guidance: The principles that guide a successful internal investigation, such as independence, objectivity, impartiality, competence, professionalism, confidentiality, and compliance with local law. The key steps of an internal investigation, such as appointing the investigation team and reporting line, planning and scoping the investigation, ensuring safety and protection measures, collecting and preserving evidence, interacting with stakeholders, and closing the investigation. The support required from the organisation’s administration and leadership for internal investigations, as well as other topics such as confidentiality, anti-retaliation measures, and elements of a robust investigation policy or procedure. ISO/TS 37008 reflects international best practices on internal investigations and offers a great opportunity to organisations to reflect on the maturity of existing frameworks and the manner in which misconduct and other workplace issues are managed end-to-end. Implementing ISO/TS 37008 in your organisation brings benefits from a consistent and professional approach to internal investigations that can enhance organisational governance, compliance, and reputation Subscribe