Thursday, 22 August 2019

Brad Couch, health reporter for The Advertiser, yesterday recounted some of the major insights from KordaMentha’s latest report into its organisational and financial overhaul of the Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN).

Recent figures show two of CALHN’s major hospitals, the Royal Adelaide Hospital and The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, have improved patient discharge procedures.

KordaMentha’s report states the length of patient stays has been reduced. To June 30 the overnight average length of stay is 12 per cent lower at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (5.6 days compared to 6.4 days) and 8 per cent lower at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (4.7 days compared to 5.1 days) than at the same time last year. Creating bed capacity equivalent to 45 beds at the two hospitals compared to this time last year.

In addition, the average wait time in ED for those admitted to medical or surgical specialties during January — June 2019 was 14 per cent lower compared to the average for January — June 2018.

These improvements are a postive for the CALHN and for its patient community.
Health and Wellbeing Minister Stephen Wade congratulated staff for implementing initiatives “which are delivering better patient outcomes at the same time as saving money.”

To read the full article click here