Thursday, 1 February 2024 Arbitration is well positioned as a key forum for net zero disputes. Forensic expert, Bruce O’Shea, was recently featured in the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration’s (ACICA) publication, ACICA Review. Meeting ambitious net zero targets requires rapid and widespread changes, vast investment, new technology, and major infrastructure projects. Bruce discussed how such change historically provides fertile ground for disputes, often dragging on for years. Exploring the case for arbitration, Bruce shared insights into why this forum is vital for resolving disputes that arise on the path to net zero. “With project delays in achieving net zero goals and no allowances for prolonged litigation, arbitration presents as a golden opportunity to provide an effective, efficient, and practical way of resolving these disputes.” “The confidential nature of arbitration lends itself to a more favourable experience for witnesses and assisting in matters with new technologies and ways of doing business,” he said, discussing the ability to parties to protect competitive advantage and manage reputational risk. Read the full article here, as as published in the ACICA Review (see page 31). Subscribe