Wednesday, 11 September 2019

KordaMentha Corporate has recently conducted the ninth edition of its survey into the Australian turnaround market.

Respondents this year have predicted a poor outlook for the economy as global economic conditions and the ongoing trade war increase the risk of a recession.

Key insights from the 2019 survey include:

  • The Retail, Construction and Manufacturing (non-mining) sectors were again identified as the industries most likely to decline over the next 12 months.
  • The significant trend away from existing lenders towards ‘non-traditional’ funding sources has strengthened.
  • Nearly half of respondents consider that the Safe Harbour, ILRA, and Ipso Facto reforms have had no impact on the turnaround industry.
  • Turnaround clients are prepared to pay for the best. Only 23% of respondents identified ‘Cost’ as an essential adviser factor for turnaround clients.

Please click here to see the survey report.

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