Wednesday, 29 May 2024

KordaMentha has appointed leading transformation executive, Dionne Higgins as Partner in its Performance Improvement team. 

Dionne is well known for large scale transformations in the education sector, having spearheaded the digital transformation of RMIT during the Covid pandemic. 

Her experience goes well beyond education and digital transformations, with expertise in organisational design, people and culture, global supply chain, and finance. She has also helped consumer publishing and media organisations facing significant disruption such as new digital environments, by setting up strategies and implementing programs to ensure sustainable success.  

“Large-scale, urgent transformations are all about creating adaptive skills in the organisation and helping them respond to rapidly changing environments. Change that is fast, intense, and permanent requires a different way of thinking. That means first creating clarity around the problem and then finding lateral solutions.” she said.  

“Dionne is a rare individual in the breadth of both her senior management experience and her ability to solve intense, complex issues by reshaping organisations for sustainable results,” said KordaMentha Co-founder Mark Korda.